31 Mar 2008 by Ruben

Cutting Edge: Navigate labels

If you use and love the "apply/remove" label autocompletion feature, you probably waiting for the "navigate label" autocompletion.

Get the Flash Player to see this player.

The goal is to do everything with your keyboard:
  • Press Shift-G or Cmd-Opt-G to open the autocompletion window
  • Optional: type some part of the label to filter the list
  • Optional: use your keyboard to choose an entry
  • Press enter to navigate to the label and close the window
Tip - there are direct keyboard shortcuts for the most important labels in the "Mail->Go to" menu. Or use the Gmail provided g+i, g+s keyboard combinations to jump to inbox, starred, drafts etc. Press ? to get all Gmail keyboard shortcuts.Important: This feature works in Gmail 2 only.

h4>Watch this screencast to get started: