22 Jul 2013

Add another Gmail account

Open different Gmail, Google Apps and Calendar accounts at the same time. Mailplane has Safari-like tabs to switch between them without reentering your Gmail username and password.

Here’s how you add an account

  1. Go to Mailplane 3 > Preferences
  2. Select Accounts tab

  3. Press Add… to add another Gmail or Google apps acoount.
  4. Read our Gmail account setup article on how to setup Gmail or Google Apps account.

…or you can use the Plus (+) button to add a new account. Here is how:

  1. Press the Plus (+) button on the tab bar
  2. Select New…

  3. Add new account dialog box will appear. Follow the instructions here to setup your new Gmail account.

Tip: Use drag and drop in the list to reorder the accounts.

Open your newly added Gmail account

You can open your new Gmail account by pressing the Plus (+) button and selecting your new Gmail account.


Now you can use your Gmail, Google apps or Calendar accounts at the same time.


Tip: Cycle with Control-Tab and Control-Shift-Tab through tabs.