14 Sep 2009

Uninstall Mailplane

This article helps you uninstall Mailplane.

The easiest way to remove Mailplane from your Mac, is to use the Mailplane itself:

  1. Start Mailplane
  2. Select Mailplane > Uninstall from the menu
  3. Confirm you want to delete everything related to Mailplane
  4. Remove Mailplane from the Dock.
  5. In Finder: Move the Mailplane application to the trash


Using this menu item will remove the following data:

  • Mailplane preferences
  • Keychain Items created by Mailplane
  • The iPhoto plugin if installed
  • The PDF Service item (Mail PDF with Mailplane)
  • Mailplane's application support data like account settings, text snippets, and HTML Signatures.

Important:There isn't a way to undo this operation.