20 Aug 2018
Mailplane 4.0.5
Welcome, 歓迎, Willkommen, Bienvenue, Bienvenido
Mailplane 4 fully supports French, German, Japanese, and Spanish. Big thanks to Michel, Borja, and Koichi for their excellent work.Colored menu bar icon
By popular demand: Menu bar icon now turns blue when there are unread messages.Fixes and Improvements- Delegated accounts are opened in a separate window.
- Use ⌘← to navigate to the previous page and ⌘→ to navigate to the next page.
- Google hangout chat 'pop-out' button didn't open a new window
- Added account name to bookmark in bookmarks menu.
- 'Open with Google Docs' in document preview didn't open a window.
- Apps selector didn't always open the right location
- Added 'Reply All', 'Star Message', 'Report Spam, and 'fixed space' item to the toolbar
- 'Notify new messages', and 'Notification sound' weren't correctly imported from Mailplane 3