'Send via Mailplane 3' Share Extension
Mailplane’s new share extension allows users to share files, urls and text from various applications (e.g. Photos, Pages, Numbers, Safari, TextEdit, etc.).
Todoist is a popular to-do list and task manager. With Mailplane you can easily create tasks based on Gmail conversations (it isn’t supported in Google Inbox due to technical limitations).
OmniFocus is a great “Getting Things Done” tool and with Mailplane you can easily create tasks based on Gmail conversations.
Mailplane provides a print dialog action to send a PDF from any application.
Unfortunately, 3rd party applications like Mailplane aren’t allowed to support the Share > Email functionality in iWork/MS Office anymore. Below you’ll find a short description how you can work around it and still share iWork / Office documents easily via Email.
Alfred (v.2.0.3) and later supports Mailplane 3 out of the box.
Alfred (v.2.0.3) and later supports Mailplane 3 out of the box.
It’s very easy to create a new to-dos based on email conversations. Most importantly, Things creates a to-do that links back to the Gmail conversation.
Remember and track your email conversations with Evernote.
LaunchBar uses service menu items as actions. Here’s how you can create an email w/ attachments from Launchbar 5:
AppleScript is a scripting language built into MacOS. It is primarily designed to exchange data between applications in order to automate repetitive tasks. See more here.
Terminal.app comes pre-installed and you’ll find it in Applications > Utilities.
Access Mailplane’s service menu items from any application to send messages or search your inbox.
Die beliebte Rechnungssoftware für den Mac.
Receipts ist die perfekte Ergänzung zu Mailplane, falls Sie viele Belege via E-Mail bekommen. Receipts macht das Sammeln und Verwalten von Belegen einfach.
Fantastical versendet Termine via Mailplane.
DEVONthink Pro organisiert all Ihre Dokumente.
BusyCal kann Termineinladungen via Mailplane senden.
BusyContacts kann Kontakte via Mailplane senden.
Use "Edit > Save to Contact" to save the sender to Contacts app and use "Mail > Insert > Email Address..." to lookup email addresses in Contacts app while composing or replying to a message.
Bilder aus Lyn können direkt via Mailplane versendet werden.
GraphicConverter bietet Ihnen all das, was Sie von einer Allround-Bildbearbeitungssoftware für Ihren Mac erwarten: Einfache Nutzung, einen herausragenden Leistungsumfang sowie größte Stabilität und Zuverlässigkeit.